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  • 2021年06月19日
  • 50 金币

AI has entered the business mainstream, opening up opportunities to boost productivity, innovation and fundamentally transform operating models. As AI grows in sophistication, complexity and autonomy, it opens up transformational opportunities for business and society. More than 70% of the executives taking part in a 2017 PwC study believe that AI will impact every facet of business. Overall, PwC estimates that AI will drive global gross domestic product (GDP) gains of $15.7 trillion by 2030. As businesses adoption of AI becomes mainstream, stakeholders are increasingly asking what does AI mean for me, how can we harness the potential and what are the risks? Cutting across these considerations is the question of trust and how to earn trust from a diverse group of stakeholders – customers, employees, regulators and wider society. There have been a number of AI winters over the last 30 years which have predominantly been caused by an inability of technology to deliver against the hype. However with technology now living up to the promise, the question may be whether we face another AI winter due to technologists’ focus on building ever more powerful tools without thinking about how to earn the trust of our wider society.

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